K-Power® Kinesiology | Special Edition
The Signature Collection of Bruce Dewe MD.
Although these workshops are open to all therapists and lay persons
there are schools that recognize them for Continuing Education Credits
K-Power® Kinesiology Workshops are eligble
for continued competency credits through the
Natural Health Practitioners of Canada – NHPC
under the title of: Specialized Kinesiology
Kinetica Movement’s learning division, through Allice Becher your instructor is pleased to offer the K-Power® Kinesiology Program workshops, taught Canada wide and in selected areas around the world. Founded by Bruce Dewe. MD and Joan Dewe of Global Health and Fitness Inc. K-Power® is also a division of the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice.(ICPKP) also founded by Dr. Bruce Dewe and is available both to the public and professionals.
The K-Power® Kinesiology Program series workshops, are a comprehensive approach of learning to address Structural difficulties and surmounting chronic pain, Mind/Body Health, Social Behavioral Issues as well as aspects of Metaphysical and Energy Medicine Health all within a series of 14 workshops. Unique in its approach it incorporates many disciplines both from the Eastern and Western traditional scopes of health and wellness that one can use for their personal self-care or to enhance their existing therapy practice. The possible benefits are numerous.
Alternative – First Class Training
“K-Power® contains a wealth of material and might have been quite overwhelming for some except… for the way that the lessons for these 14 workshops have been broken up into very manageable and easy to learn segments.
Most avid students whether for personal use or for Alternative and Complimentary healing… have stated that K-Power® is much easier to learn than other models of Kinesiology. Granted it has come from the best and between Bruce Dewe’s.MD many years a cohort of “Applied Kinesiology” – a branch for Alternative Medicine Practitioners and Doctors along with his partner a former Educator Joan Dewe, Registered Kinesiologist…the lessons in both the Manual…Mind/Body and Behavioral Series are…amazingly easy to apply and integrate in your everyday life or practice.”
Check out the Workshops below by clicking on the link…and one of the series below is sure to grab your interest”
K-Power® Kinesiology Workshops at A Glance
Manual Therapy Series
o5-Element Fundamentals
oCore Muscles
oThe Shoulder Arm Protocol
oThe Elbow Wrist And Hand Protocol
oThe Hip Thigh Protocol
o The Knee Ankle and Foot Protocol
Mind Body Series
oStress Release Made Easy
o5-Element Fundamentals and Muscle
oMastery of Emotional Stress Release
o Beyond Co-dependency
o K-Power® for Counsellors and Coaches New
Personology – Instinctual Behaviour Series
oYour Face Is Talking To Me
oYour Face Is Talking To Me Again
OtherK-Power® Workshops
oTibetan Energy
oNew Perceptions in life and Living