K-POWER®Manual Therapy And Workshop Training

If You’re The Type Of Therapist Who Wants To Improve Your, Business, Resources and Skills To New Levels And Achieve Speedy and Longer Lasting Results, That Will Have Your Clients Rave And Tell Others About You… These Manual Therapy Series Workshops will Open Up that Opportunity and Will Allow the Freedom to Expand Your Possibilities


As a therapist you probably have spent many hours, and studied to help people experience results and find pain relief, mobility, and don’t always quite get the results you want, or expend too much energy wondering if you will be able to continue this therapy for a good portion of your life due to the toll it takes on you.

Your clients unbeknownst to you may be seeking therapy elsewhere, and you may be wandering, how come they didn’t come back? So you might begin to ask: “Why am I not where I want to be financially, mentally, or physically and so may your clients?”  You’ve done what you can… but there’s still something missing.


Think about this…



Despite the temporary usefulness of some treatments and conventional medicine, there is the perception that in clinical practice a proportion of patients are not satisfied with their current pain treatments or current range of mobility. Is there a solution?


K-POWER® Kinesiology Manual Therapy May Be
The Treasure You Are Seeking To Enhance Your
Practice or Even Start A New Career, No Prior
Knowledge Is Needed

This treasure of speedy, longer lasting results and client satisfaction, can be found in the dynamic philosophy that K-Power® Manual Therapy Series has adopted, some of which is “a missing linkin therapy” and the belief that“perfect structural balance is essential for the attainment of all objectives of life and that we need to consider the whole person approach of wellness”

What is K-Power® Manual Therapy?

K-power® Manual Therapy Series is based on aspects of Applied Kinesiology, Osteopathy, Chiropractics, Chinese 5-Element theory of Acupuncture, and Metaphysical aspects of wellness, for those willing to venture a little further. It provides Fundamental and Core element workshops for balancing muscles and along with treatment includes nutritional balance as specified for each muscle and its associated meridian


“We Will Work With Your Institute Or College To Help You Gain Credits For These Workshops”

Each of the 6 workshops is a full and complete muscle protocol for separate areas of the body, that can easily be integrated into any type of therapy.Workshops are 1 to 2 days in length and are safe and simple to learn.

Once one has mastered the 2 fundamental workshops, of K-Power®’s Five Element Fundamentals, and Core Muscle Techniques. you can either focus on one aspect of therapy like “shoulders” for example or on the entire Manual Therapy Series as outlined below.


What can clients expect from treatments?

Please visit each link below to Learn More