K-Power® Workshop | The Hip And Thigh Protocol
We Also Offer Treatments In Our Clinic
Prerequisite:5 Element Fundamentals,
And Core Muscles
Duration: Up To 9 hours Of Instruction
Hip and Leg Pain
Athletes often talk of strained or pulled “quads and hams” Such Conditions involve the tearing of these muscles or their tendons and occur mainly in athletes who do not warm up properly. They will often say, it didn’t really hurt at first, but a few hours later the pain intensified.
With K-Power® the usual 1-3 weeks of rest followed by stretching, can
often have very favourable results and greatly reduce your levels of pain
People rarely ask for help because of “imbalances in their muscle energy”- rather they come complaining of pain, restricted movement, weakness, or a combination of these. The condition may or may not be a result of injury. Frequently they will see another practitioner, who gives them anti-inflamatories and will possibly send them to physiotherapy or massage. The person may have had a poorer response to the treatment than they expected, and now is shopping around for an alternative.
Increase Foot Traffice to Your Clinic with K-Power® Workshops
If you knew how your clients encode meaning on their experiences within your clinic you might be able to ensure that your services are offered with good meaning. K-Power® can help you improve your services and offer what clients often state as the experience they are looking for, namely, “Speedy, Longer-lasting More Effective Results” that will hopefuly encourage their internal dialogue of experience to respond with, “I am loyal to you only and I have someone I want to refer to you.”
Allice Becher often teaches The K-Power® Manual Workshops to students of all kinds because she knows from client response that it has proven to be the process for many that allows for the best experience. Apply Now to Join us for the next available workshop in your area.
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