K-Power® Mind Body Series

If you”d like to breathe new life into your therapy, business and resources available to you,  so that you can either help  yourself or someone else then consider… K-Power® – Mind Body Series Workshops.  In the following series of workshops you will discover advanced strategies in handling stress...solving problemsgaining personal insightpersonal and interpersonal skills for greater rapport with othersinner child workage recession and much much more too great to list  here.  

Why look for a coach when you can be  coaching yourself,  is the question many ask.  All you need to know is you will have tools for speedy changes in several areas of life,  that you can apply to yourself or whilst working with another.  


Some workshops can be taken alone and
others follow a pre-requisite series for
greater expansion.


To find more information about each class just click on the following links

Mind Body Series
o  Stress Release Made Easy
o  5-Element Fundamentals and Muscle Balancing
o  Mastery of Emotional Stress Release 
o  Beyond Co-dependency
o  K-Power® for Counsellors and Coaches New

Personology – Instinctual Behaviour Series
o  Your Face Is Talking To Me
o  Your Face Is Talking To Me Again

OtherK-Power® Workshops
o  Tibetan Energy
o  New Perceptions in life and Living

Register Now,  as these workshops are based on personal interest
and availability.They are held at different intervals throughout
the year. We have a seat waiting for you, Register here >>

K-Power® Kinesiology – Mind Body Series
(please specify the workshops you are interested in)                                              
Kinetica Movements Kinseiology
Workshops and Training